Meditative Touch Rebalancing / Core Integration bodywork can take us out of compulsive thinking and bring us back into the life of the body – to being more present at the moment. Usually, we live of distance from our bodies, and from the signal/s that the body is giving.
Once our senses open up, our energy flows through the whole body. We felt vibrant and connected to our surroundings.
Ordinarily, in this way, people are not aligned. The smooth and natural relationship to gravity can’. Be disordered by many factors; misguided habits, deep psychological and emotional traumas, or accidents. In this misalignment, we struggle to move, and as the fascial webwork of connective tissue adapts to maintain our movements, the body gradually changes shape and posture.
With a series of meditative touch massage sessions, the whole body can be systematically reorganized by moving from the outer layers to the deeper ones and bringing all the major segments into an integrated system of balance. Those centers of energy which we call chakras lie along the same central line of gravity.
It is a fact that this core natural balance is directly related to the core feeling of one’s being. The common understanding we have of ourselves and the world, based on our characteristic patterns of tension. When the external layers of the body release to permit the internal layers to function, a more profound awareness opens up. This experience is not only a physical experience but also a sensation of internal expansion.
When we release stresses and move into the natural balance of our core, we find trust, insight, and a profound sense of who we are. It gives us a dramatic shift in consciousness, a much deeper experience of our being. From contracted thought pattern release, and are replaced by a more expanded viewpoint.
Meditative Touch Rebalancing is for those who desire to follow the wisdom of their bodies and to release blocks/barriers, old patterns that weaken one’s natural potential to live a healthy and joyous life. And For those who wish to experience an energetic body, more freedom, stable energy, aliveness & vitality, and inner harmony.
Through the manipulation of connective and muscle tissues, meridians and lymphatic channels are activated to release stagnant energy and toxins. The new flow of energy cleanses out the by-products of excessive muscle activity, promotes flexibility and fluidity of fascia, and recharges primary blood filters in the body: kidneys, spleen, and liver.
Meditative-Touch Rebalancing views the human body as much more than it’s a physical segment, knowing that these emotional, energetic, and spiritual aspects of our being are necessary and much importance to our totality. It is a form of body-oriented awareness work, which brings people back into harmony with themselves so that they can live their essential unity of body, mind, and heart. It collaborates with a unique synthesis of body reading, connective tissue manipulation, energy and breathwork, body awareness practice as well as emotions and their expressions. As the body releases muscular rigidities and relaxes, energy is set free. In the same period, old and unconscious emotional and mental attitudes and patterns that imprison us can come into our awareness.
If you would like to join the training or organize a group in your city or country, contact me for more details.

Joint Release

Yoga Stretches

Rebalancing Bodywork
Rebalancing brings our body back in a natural state of alignment, which enables us to move and balance from our core, from our center of gravity. The body constantly relates to the natural force of gravity. If various segments of the body are not more or less aligned, then the external muscles labor to keep an upright posture. When the center of gravity is in line, the head, chest, abdomen, and pelvis balance easily, and the correct balance comes quickly from the core muscles.

Myofascial Release
Fascia is an intelligent connective tissue that connects muscles to bones, muscles to muscles. It interlaces every muscle in the human body and connects organs. The intelligence of the fascia comes from its primary function: transmitting information from the nervous system to tissues and organs and back. By its communicative authority, it also stores and releases feelings and emotions. Fascia senses orgasmic bliss as well as traumatic experiences. Manual manipulation of fascia releases stagnant emotions that tissue may hold on to, which can bring physical dysfunction and interfere with the practical work of a muscle or a group of muscles. The fluidity and flexibility of connective tissue are what promote vital anti-ageing components to the human body: collagen and elastin.

Deep Tissue Massage
Deep tissue massage uses specific pressure and slow and deep strokes to touch more profound layers of muscle and fascia (the connective tissue). It helps to release chronic aches and pain and contracted muscles such as sore shoulders, stiff neck, upper and lower back, and legs muscle tightness. When it comes to chronic low back pain, deep tissue massage is statistically significant better therapy. We can improve big-picture posture, lengthen the spine, and improve the quality of the soft tissue. It reduces stress hormone levels and boosts mood and relaxation by triggering the release of oxytocin and serotonin.

Face Massage
A facial massage can actually make you feel better emotionally because the muscles, in your face are closely connected to your expressions. When someone gently and rhythmically strokes your face during a massage it helps release tension and reduces stress leading to a state. This type of massage can even trigger the release of endorphins which’re those “feel good” hormones that boost your mood and overall emotional well being. Moreover the comforting and nurturing aspect of the massage creates a sense of calmness and balance, for a state of relaxation emotionally.

Side Sessions (Especially for pregnant women)
This kind of massage session can be performed in a side-lying position. Plenty of pillows, blankets, or towels are needed to support the body and to keep your client in a comfortable atmosphere. We work very gently, but at the same time, very firm.
In pregnancy time, most women have lower backache as fascia gathered there to protect the lower back, due to that they feel down in energy, in this work we work on legs, from lower to upper back, latissimus dorsi muscles, and neck as well. In these side sessions, we will learn how to perform pregnancy massage in a way that can ease pains and aches and release tension.
It will be a 90 minutes session to get a more profound sense of relaxation.
Why Meditative Touch Massage Training Courses are different from other schools of massage
Shantam has spent many years refining his massage courses, and the result is appreciated by hundreds of massage students worldwide.
To be frank: We don’t know why most of the massage courses out there focus over 50% of their instruction time on excessively studying and teaching the Latin names for the muscles (anatomy) and physiological terms. Making a simple Anatomy coloring book at home could easily and reasonably cover the same information.
Most massage therapy schools also give a lot of time in their massage courses to teach you repeated massage routines. These routines are not meant to treat the specific and individual needs of your clients. Having that in mind, you will understand that what makes Meditative Touch Massage School unique is that we make sure that you only learn what you will need as a massage therapist: Hands-on practice and the ability to build your approach around the needs of your clients. That’s we can ensure that we will prepare you as the best massage therapist faster and more cost-effectively than most other massage learning programs.
Additionally, you will benefit from our method not only by saving money on course fees. Upon obtaining your qualifications (via our 11 days massage certificate courses) you will also be able to start practicing as a professional massage therapist sooner thereby earning money sooner at your fresh inspiring career as a massage therapist.
More and more people are realizing how the Meditative Touch massage technique can make a profound difference in their health and well-being. Our intense, hands-on massage therapy courses highlight all the relevant points of empathy, communication, professionalism, method, and correct pressure. The foundation of our massage training is practical. This will give you confidence and powerful massage ability united with a caring and genuine manner – an attractive combination that is becoming comparable with Meditative Touch Massage School.
Moreover, our students are taught to relieve people of deep-seated emotional and/or physical ailments where a lot of other treatments have failed. Given this, I thoroughly recommend our massage courses to any aspiring student of massage and heartily wish you all the best in your new career.